Common Senses: Collection 042
By Levi Brooks on
Do Art Movements Still Matter?Today, the concept of “movements” has lost significant potency.
The New Horror Movie Poster Aesthetics Reflect Our All-too-real Modern Day DystopiasAs on-screen horrors shift towards the societal and interpersonal, poster design has followed by depicting a more subtle unease
At MoMA, a Musical Pioneer’s Rainforest Squeaks and ChirrupsDavid Tudor’s installation “Rainforest V (variation 1)” is coming alive through performances by the artists who helped make it.
California is Still Very Dark and Very LoudTurns out selfishness has a sound.
We FlipSpend quality time together by switching off from technology as a group.
People Are Confused About the Usefulness of Buying Fancy ThingsWhy luxury goods don't impress, but repel.
Guatemala is the Land of Unknown Ancient Food TraditionsOn wood-fired griddles, Maya home cooks keep ancient traditions alive with recipes even their neighbors wouldn’t recognize.
Why New York City’s Iconic Pizza Is So Tough to ReplicatePizza may have been invented in Italy, but it was perfected in New York City.
The Art and Politics of ScentScent is related to pretty much everything humans do.